No matter what they say up front, the government's C-Tax does nothing to improve the environment, and the rebates and handouts that they plan to give certain sectors of the community, will not make anyone better off once the tax bites into small business, which is not being compensated in any way. Grocery prices, fuel prices, and in fact the price of just about everything we buy, by their own admission, will rise. resulting in job loss and inflation. While at the same time putting our exporters at a distinct disadvantage.
This policy is just a very poor attempt to redistribute wealth. If they want to do this in an effective way, why not go right to the heart of the problem, greed.
The Banks, Major Grocers (Who also control Fuel Prices), Tel cos, Energy companies among other big business gluttons, who feed of the needs of the many, should be pulled into line and their greedy fees, charges and price gouging should be examined and capped. This would put hundreds of dollars into battlers pockets each month, across the board, giving us more discretionary dollars to spend in the economy, boosting small business, our major employer. Make these monsters work for their blood money, instead of just raising prices.
When was the last time you got good service from any of them. Do you think Cole's or Woolworth's are putting more home brands in each week for you, or for them, and what is this doing to our farmers? And where can you buy the brands that disappear?
Do you think the Banks are closing branches and putting staff of, forcing us to use more and more automated services and the Internet, and charging us for the privilege, for your good or theirs?
Instead of the government giving handouts to boost the economy, they could put legislation into place to let us keep more of what we earn. Sounds simple? Why not? Who said that these gluttons should get rich off our back, just because we need them. They take more than their share, it should be stopped. That would be true tax reform.