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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Tent Embassy? .... Please!

I hear Aboriginal activists at the Canberra Tent “Embassy” calling for freedom from bondage, Aboriginal rights and land rights. What’s that all about? I don’t see them in bondage, and I believe they have more rights than I do as a white Australian, and as far as land rights are concerned, again they have more than  Non-Indigenous Australians.  Could someone please show me, in what way do I, as a white Australian, have more rights and freedoms than any other Australian.
Teaching new generations to hate.
What do you think would happen to a group of white hippies if they were to set up camp across the road from Parliament House and light a fire in the middle of summer in Canberra and refused to move? You know what would happen; they would be arrested and carted off to jail, while their camp was destroyed.
What purpose does this “Embassy” serve? The only thing I perceive is that it provides somewhere to sleep for a bunch of lazy, good for nothing bludgers, who have never contributed anything constructive to the plight of their people or the Australian community in general, in their lives.
They cry about wanting sovereignty over Australia, and wanting to be recognised in the constitution as the first Australians. What does that even mean, who were the first Australians?
Archaeologists are still determining who came from where. All they know is that during the last Ice Age people came into Australia from Asia and Islands to the north such as New Guinea and settled here, some believe they have evidence of some tribes coming directly around the rim of the Indian Ocean from Africa. They weren’t one people and they would have claimed land from each other in the age old way, by killing and/or driving or breeding their competitors out, survival of the fittest. Much the same as happened when whites came to Australia.
So why does this bunch of lay-abouts have claim to any of Australia? They have no idea who they were originally descended from, and they’ve never lifted a finger to preserve or improve the country.
Some do-gooders will have you believe that they are “One with the land” and have been preserving it for thousands of generations. What rot. What happened to all of the species of native fauna that flourished here before their arrival but have since disappeared? There were many species such as Australia’s Mega Fauna, giant marsupials that were around until only a few thousand years ago. These original species became food, that’s where they went, and the early tribes contributed greatly to their disappearance.
To help the extinction of native fauna along, they also introduced the dog to Australia which now miraculously has become our native dog the Dingo, much as this mish-mash of ancient Asians has become our native people. There were no dogs here prior to the invasion from the north.
So you see the whole argument is based on myth and fairytales. After the first few arrived from wherever, these many races that arrived in the next few thousand years, by their own definition, would be considered invaders of Australia.
They were not environmental heroes, they were just human beings like the rest of us, who spread out across any land that they came across and used the natural resources for their own survival.
Some super being didn’t plonk them down and make them custodians of the land, they immigrated here like everyone else, and that process continues today. Come back in another 40,000 or even 5,000 years and see what our people look like. Should my ancestors then burn the Australian flag, sit on their arse and demand Sydney Harbour?
All of this land rights rubbish matters not a jot, it takes the focus off the real problems. It is not going to fix the fact that there are more aboriginal people in jails than any other race, or that the mortality rate among our indigenous peoples is greatly higher than other Australians and it’s not going to arrest the abuse of children in remote communities.
With the millions of dollars poured into Indigenous problems every year, every person of Aboriginal decent could be living in a mansion in the lap of luxury, so where we are spending, and the way we are accounting for money is not fixing the problems either.
I would just ask the militants who encouraged their children to spit on and burn the Australian flag on Australia day. What did you achieve besides contributing to the delinquency of those children and greater antagonism toward your people? And I would just like to say to you that if you started to concentrate on the solutions rather than whining about the problems, you might be of some assistance to the many millions of people from all races around Australia, who work tirelessly trying to solve the problems Aboriginal people face.   

Saturday, 21 January 2012

NRL All Stars Match ... Racially divisive?

I'm not a fan of the NRL All Stars match up, a match I see as having racial undertones and driving another small wedge between races in this great country. Yes it will be a great spectacle, with 34 of the best in the game going at it, and yes the gate and the TV ratings will be real money spinners, but at what cost?
We all know how emotionally charged the "Tribal" clashes get during the normal NRL season when only clubs are involved. We see how team affiliations lead to heated rivalries during these clashes, wherever the games are viewed. (You know what I'm talking about you Bulldogs fans). To see a prime example of the enduring hatred generated by sporting rivalries, look no further than State Of Origin.
Now extend that to a National basis with White against Black and imagine the racial slurs and comments, not only at the ground, but right around the country in lounge rooms, pubs and clubs switched into this racial "war".
In this era of reconciliation and trying to close the divide between Indigenous Australians and those of  European extraction, do we need a major sporting event setting black against white? I think not.
People with an opposing view would say that it is great for young Aboriginal and Islander kids to aspire to their hero's status, but can't they do this by watching them during the normal season of club and rep games?
What is the purpose of this game? Other than that misguided point mentioned above, I can see no positives in this clash at all, except perhaps if you count the millions of dollars that the NRL will rake in from people going to the game or tuning in to watch their race smash the other.
Australian soccer had their race problems years ago and now continue to strive to keep racial affiliations out of their clubs.
If we are really trying to promote our Indigenous Australian's achievements and, at the same time draw the races closer together, wouldn't it be better if we had a match that would unite all Australians behind a single side and have the Indigenous All Stars play the Maori All Stars?
Although I love a great game of Rugby League, I won't be tuning in; my protest.

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