The Eureka Flag Does A Back Flip.
The Victorian Government has moved to ban union logos and insignia that imply compulsory union membership from government work sites. These rules will apply in the Baillieu Government's new code of conduct for all government funded construction sites. Source - The AgeA good idea in my book. One symbol used extensively by militant self-serving unions, the Eureka Flag, really sticks in my craw.
Who are the CMFEU and the BLF to claim this iconic flag as their own? Surely this flag belongs to every Australian, not just a group of bullies, shoving people around to line their own pockets.
I understand the line they are trying to draw. I.E. the poor, down trodden masses rebelling against unjust authority. However this does not quite fit the picture these days and young Australians seeing that flag today, flying from a crane on an inner-city construction site, would be associating it with a totally wrong set of values.
The Eureka Stockade had nothing to do with unions and militants grabbing a bigger slice of the pie and trying to rule the construction industry. It was all about a group of self employed miners in the 1800s mining boom, objecting to being taxed (By way of a Miners Licence) by the colonial government, to dig precious minerals from our sovereign soil (Gold). Source - Wikipedia
Now doesn't that seem a little ironic? The Julia Gillard Government (AKA The Unions), is imposing a giant new tax on today's self employed miners to take precious metals from our sovereign soil and the Eureka Flag waving unions are supporting her all the way, so that they can get their share of the 2000s mining boom. Doesn't that mean that they jumped the fence?
The Eureka Miners would be turning in their graves.