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Thursday, 18 October 2012

David Hicks .. The Last Laugh For A Low life.

How do you clear the name of a proven Terrorist?

Hicks caught fighting for Taliban
Here is a grub that in January 2002 was captured fighting alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan. And now that there is a sniff of a loop hole in the law that sent him to Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, he and his greedy family and lawyers are lining up at the prospect of compensation.
Before anyone starts bull shitting on about human rights and "fair go". David Hicks was fighting for a cause that is notorious for stripping people of their human rights. How ironic then that he now wants his. Are you kidding me?
Let's just study this grub a little closer.
When he was caught he was fighting alongside the deranged murderers, The Taliban, against American soldiers who were attempting to bring to justice the lunatics who were responsible for the September 11 2001 attack on The World Trade Centre in New York which killed almost 3000 Innocent civilians.
"I'm Proud of you son"
He was 26 years old so presumably knew what he was doing. Before taking up this wonderful cause he had been a high school drop out, a car thief, a drug addict, a mercenary soldier in Kosovo and a graduate of 4 Al Qaeda training camps. What a great credit to his up bringing and his family, who are now supporting him and lining up for the compensation as well.
Hick's father and his lawyer are on television each night sprouting crap about "clearing his name".  How can his name be cleared? He was there, caught red handed, an Australian citizen giving "material support to terrorism" This low life should have been shot on the battlefield, then we wouldn't have to be going through this multi-million dollar bullshit and wasting precious energy on this traitor.
And as for his lawyer's and all of the do-gooder human rights wankers. If they are so keen to fight for human rights, why not pick a cause like the 14 year old girl who was shot in the head by Hicks' mates for wanting her human rights. Maybe David could give some of his money to her family.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Wine Price Rise On The Way.

Pricing Casks Out Of The Market
Yet another Bullshit Tax.
Here we go again. The wowzers give the Government a chance to smash the low income earners with another tax to help their empty coffers. And they will take it, you can bet on that.
The Australian National Preventative Health Agency has advised the Federal Government that the only way to stop people harming themselves by abusing alcohol is to raise the price of cask wine to a minimum of $52 for 4 litres and $9.75 for the cheapest bottle. You can only guess what that will mean for you favourite tipple. And this is all because approximately .15% of the population die each year due to alcohol abuse and 3.7% end up in hospital. Leaving the other 96% of us to pay the extra tax.
That's like punishing a school full of good kids because a couple of them misbehaved.

High End Drunks, No Cheap Wine Here.
This agency tells them that bottled water is dearer than cheap wine, it might interest them to know that it is dearer than petrol as well. Doesn't that just mean that bottled water is a rip off?

Remember when the Rudd Government increased the tax on premixed drinks? (Rum & Cola, Vodka & Lemon etc.) without consulting the industry or, in fact anyone who knew anything about the purchasing habits of drinkers. This was advised by the same agency, and look how well it worked. The young drinkers just replaced premix, which had an average measurable 4.5% alcohol per volume in each serve, for full strength bottle spirits which they mixed themselves at who knows what levels. And increasingly they have reverted to cheap wine straight from the casks at between 12 and 18% Alcohol per volume. Good work you idiots.

They will drink anything to get drunk.
Don't they understand that people who regularly get smashed on alcohol and drugs don't give a rats arse if the price goes up, or what they drink. The price of hard drugs is astronomical, and yet the people who are bent on abusing them will do anything to get the money as we well know. Price does not stop them.

The people who will suffer are the low income earners and pensioners who enjoy their tipple which is usually  a product from the very end of the market that these geniuses want to attack. All because 4 % of the population have no self control and will find other product to destroy themselves with anyway. Perhaps there will be a return to the Metho in the paper bag days straight from Woollies. Or People will increasingly make their own alcohol. It's not hard you know.

Pensioners will suffer
We currently have the highest alcohol prices and the strictest alcohol distribution rules in Western society and our problems, if you believe the Wowzers, are among the worst. Does this tell you something? Price doesn't help anything it is just a money grab.

Do the hard yards and attack the real problems front on. Identify the 4% and work on them. Close night clubs earlier, coral the trouble makers, you know where they are. 
While you play around at politics treating us all like idiots, the real problem gets worse.     

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