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Monday, 12 November 2012

Carbon Tax Rort Threatens Australian Food Security.

Gillards Carbon Tax. Another Stuff Up.

I can't believe that any Australian Government would develop a policy with this in mind. So I must believe that Gillard and her merry band of idiots have made yet another monumental blunder in their "shoot from the hip" policy making attempts to keep the "loony left" Greens happy.

Watch the video below and make up your own mind about our mistake riddled government, as they give the greedy financial institutions another leg up at disastrous consequence to the tax payer and at absolutely no benefit to the environment.

Every major policy that his Government has come up with has been riddled with waste and incompetence.  How long can we remain complacent while this ridiculous excuse for a government digs us deeper into a hole that will take the next government years to dig us out of. 
What will happen when the mining boom is over? It's starting to come off now. Gillard and Swan will have nothing to hang their hat on then and it will be too late. We will be in dire straits and we won't even be able to feed ourselves, because they would have sent our farmers broke and sold of the farm to foreign investors.
A Federal election cannot come soon enough.  

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