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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Gay Marriage Debate

How do we discern what is main stream and what is deviant behaviour?

Over the centuries man's natural instincts and desires have been governed and tempered by our moral compass, a compass which has largely been set by what "civilised" society has deemed proper; overriding, in many cases, the natural instincts of man.

It wasn't long ago, a hundred years or so actually, that it was acceptable for young girls to be married off to older men when they were 12 years old and a few centuries ago in some eastern cultures even younger.

If this happened today in Australia, the man would be jailed for statutory rape and seen as a pariah in society. Although, in nature, the female would be deemed to be sexually productive and the male to be following his natural reproductive instinct. However, through the same processes that banned slavery, gave people equal rites, gave women the vote etc., our society has changed and "decency" has given us a new set of values. Among those values is the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman and bringing up children in that sacred environment so that the natural order is preserved.

If Gays wish to have a legally binding civil partnership, then call it that. Call it a Gay Relationship like a De-facto Relationship. Give it all the legal trimmings and leave it at that. Most people don't object to the relationship being recognised, but they object to it being deemed "Normal" by the word "Marriage". Shit, some people are just getting over the "De-facto" thing and that's actually a natural relationship between a man and a woman.

Now to the gay thing in general, which leads to the resistance to gay "marriage".

If you held a vote today most would vote to let gay marriage go ahead. However this would be an empathy vote. most would say "Yeah, let them do what they want, just not around me".

Let's be clear, let's not confuse love with sex. Men and women love brothers, sisters, friends, of the same sex but they don't want to marry them or have sex with them. Marriage is about sex and having children, however in the case of Gays, one is not natural and the other is not possible.

I don't care what sexual urges people have as long as they keep them between themselves. It's confronting enough if you are surprised by two heteros carousing in public, let alone two gay guys going at it in the street.

Lets face it, homosexuality is not natural no matter how you want to wrap it. Neither are some sexually deviant acts between heterosexual partners, but then again these practitioners are not trying to mainstream it.

 What's Sydney's Gay Mardi Gras about? Gay rights? Advertising a diviant lifestyle? or raising tourist dollars? I think it started out as a gay rights thing, but now sadly it is about the latter two goals.

The jury is still out as to whether homosexuality is genetic or environmental but it is increasingly thought to have elements of both (report) . So if some homosexuality is environmental, should we be in a hurry to pass laws which condone and encourage the gay lifestyle?

To my mind this throws much doubt over rushing through laws which allow Gay Marriage, Gay adoption/parenting and other legislations gay lobbyists are trying to push through.

According to studies done by La Trobe university the gay population in Australia is 1.6% for men and .6% for women. And yet they seem to have a very loud voice. Let's not get caught up in their hysteria.

Be gay on your own time, your own dollar and in your own space. Don't push it into mine.

Let's recognise a Gay "Union" but not a Gay "Marriage".

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