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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The ABC Jumps On The "Poor Kevin" Band Wagon.

ABC  Declares Its Colours For Labour.

One after the other last night ABC programs came out to highlight and ridicule News Limited newspapers for giving Kevin Rudd and the Labour Party bad press. They all seemed to be in sync with Rudd's new campaign direction. (I.E. when you can't get anything right, let's blame everyone else)
Two programs in particular were shameless in their support of Rudd. 
Paul Barry on Media Watch produced a rant that was hard to believe. Totally dedicated to saving Rudd from any criticism, and trashing the reputation of the makeup artist who dared to suggest that Rudd was rude to her. More or less suggesting that she made the whole thing up. Who's watching Media Watch? (The Stag, that's who).
And Q & A was devoted entirely to bashing the Murdoch press, with host Tony Jones virtually giving Rudd minister, and serial leader assassin, Bill Shorten the run of the panel. While trying to cut short any comment from the dissenters. Jones is usually quick to jump on guests who stray from the topic of the question being asked, however last night he allowed Shorten, on many occasions, to drift off into election mode.

Lets just forget the ABC's and Labour's hysterics for a moment and consider the comments that are being made in the press. We are all capable of intelligent thought. When you have the reputation Rudd has for being difficult, if not impossible to work with (Half of the front bench didn't leave 5 minutes before an election for fun), and when a government has two terms to get at least one policy right and fails to successfully implement any, (The latest being the New Guinea Solution.) Don't you think that they are entitled to just a little bad press?
When our cricket team performs badly, the news headlines are likely to be something like "Middle order batting collapse. Again Australia fails with the bat." or perhaps "Reports of friction between Clarke and Watson" or "Clarke says Watson like a cancer in the team"
All this and we love our cricket team. You don't see headlines like "Although our cricket team is the best in the world they seem to be a little down on their luck", or "Australia just practicing before they start winning in 2018-19" or perhaps "Australia really going well, it's just that the press are over critical" and neither you should. Journalist are paid to report it like it is.
However, the Labour Party is now on a new election platform, berating the News Limited papers for giving them negative headlines and pointing out their leaders short comings in their tabloids. Perhaps they would be happier with "Kevin is trying to change, give him a chance" or "Give Labour another go, they promise not to have so many stuff-ups this time" or perhaps "Don't worry about Labour's 300 billion dollar debt, I'm sure they'll get it right eventually"
It is very hard to report positively about a party or a leader with few successes to crow about. Rudd talks in his ad campaign about wanting to create more jobs, grow the economy, give us better education etc. etc. All big motherhood statements without substance. In short he insults our intelligence and hopes to get positive media coverage for it. What's new Kevy, whats different from the last 6 years? Why can you do better now? What's changed besides half the team leaving because they can't work with you.
Pulleeasse! The sooner this bloke and his government are in the rear vision mirror the better.

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