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Saturday, 17 December 2011

Dottery Old Paul Keating.

Is Paul Keating a wanker or what?
He rails on about people who are not interested in a Republic, being either Monarchists or Drop Kicks who don’t get it, and he blathers in his own confrontational way, saying that the Drop Kicks are so because they don’t understand that the Monarchy is holding Australia back from becoming a great country. He goes on to say, that as long as we resist becoming a Republic we will never be a great country, that we should throw the Monarchy out and not wait until the “Old Lady” gives us her blessing.

He’s so full of these grandiose, motherhood statements that mean nothing.
How will Australia become greater by installing an Australian head of state Paul?
Is not Australia great now? How much greater can we get?
Which great republics would we emulate? Northern Island, South Africa, or Zimbabwe perhaps.
Perhaps we could become greater than the United States Paul.

I think we are doing just fine, up against the other republics of the world. Maybe even a smidge better Paul. And I don’t think we could become prouder as a people, of being Australian.
And, you want to change the flag. Will our soldiers fight harder under a new one Paul? I think not, our boys are already known as among the greatest warriors in the world.
Perhaps our Olympians would fair better draped in something else. Oh! But we already punch above our weight in most competitions.
Give us some compelling reasons, then we might listen to you, you old goat.
Maybe you just want to have a go at being President.

There may be some good reasons for becoming a republic, although I can’t think of any.
I just say, why fix it if it ain’t broke.

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