Julia Gillard and her supporters try to rewrite history.
Gillard and her supporters continue to play the gender card, in their attempt to mask the incompetence of her Prime Minister-ship, which ultimately led to her demise.
In their latest "woe is me" publications they cry that, because of the way she was treated while in parliament, women are less likely to enter politics. What bullshit. Which sooks did they research? There are many reasons I wouldn't enter politics, but fighting for something I believe in, wouldn't be one of them. You would think that women of substance
would be breaking their neck to enter the fray, so as to right the perceived wrongs, that they blame for Gillard's demise. Everyone in politics is under scrutiny, female and male, and they all cop their share of criticism, just ask Bronwyn Bishop or Amanda Vanstone.
would be breaking their neck to enter the fray, so as to right the perceived wrongs, that they blame for Gillard's demise. Everyone in politics is under scrutiny, female and male, and they all cop their share of criticism, just ask Bronwyn Bishop or Amanda Vanstone.
Let's call a spade a spade, a good part of the reason Gillard got to where she was, was because she was a woman. With the labor party's much vaunted policy, of doling out positions to fill their quota of women in their ranks, regardless of their abilities, and the ground swell among female, and some male, voters, longing for Australia's first female Prime Minister, the time was right for Gillard's ascension. It was time to knife Rudd.
Then it was time for her to perform, and she and her colleagues performed appallingly, and the polls, understandably, plummeted accordingly.
Everything they touched, turned to mud, but instead of worrying about the country, their focus turned inward and they started to attack each other and the press, even though the press were just reporting the facts. Then
Gillard began to get personal, famously attacking Abbott, completely manufacturing the misogyny (The hatred or dislike of women and girls) rant, to suit her political ends. Where was the proof? the man is loved and adored by his family of women, his office is full of women, his preferred 2IC is a woman, and now his preferred speaker is a woman.
Gillard began to get personal, famously attacking Abbott, completely manufacturing the misogyny (The hatred or dislike of women and girls) rant, to suit her political ends. Where was the proof? the man is loved and adored by his family of women, his office is full of women, his preferred 2IC is a woman, and now his preferred speaker is a woman.
The same press that she now blames for her demise lapped this up with gusto, and supported her to the hilt. That is until she started to sound a little deranged.
Now she's trying to write her own history; of a poor mater, the first to go down for the female cause, but still paving the way for female politicians of the future. What rot. What about the numerous state and local female leaders that went before her and performed admirably? and continue to do so.
Gillard was just not good enough in the job, and the electorate told her so in the polls. Then, the now leader of her party, Bill Shorten, and his fickle mates, turned on her in desperation and punted her, as she had been happy to do to Rudd a few short months before.
If you were to look up the phrase "Changing the chairs on the deck of the Titanic" there should be a photo of the Australian Labor party.
Aspiring female politicians should look elsewhere for inspiration, to successful women like Carmen Lawrence, Bronwyn Bishop, Julie Bishop, Amanda Vanstone, and in other countries, to Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher. There, of course, are many, many more, dating back to the establishment of government in this country. Google it. I promise you you will find far more deserving women of substance to inspire you, they inspire me.
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