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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Musgrave Park Embassy? ... Fair Dinkum

Sam Watson and his mates have gone to the CMC to file official complaints against the Queensland Premier, The Brisbane Lord Mayor, The Qld. Police Minister and The Qld. Police Commissioner. They want to know who instigated the police action to remove activists from the Musgrave Park Tent Embassy last week and how much it costs.
While they are at it, I'd like them to find out who pays Sam Watson's wages, his Plane fair up from Sydney, how much the investigation is going to cost and who is going to pay for this frivilous complaint. I think we all know the answer to that. The hand that feeds the activists will pay... The genuine Tax Payer.

They say the police were heavy handed. Well if you don't move when you are told, you should be dragged away. What did they think would happen? Did they think the Police would just go away once the activists said they weren't moving.

To avoid trouble, as it was a week day, the Police should have waited until the "Embassy" habitants had left for work to pull down the camp. Oh! wait a minute, I forgot, they don't work. The community pays them to sit around and cause trouble.

Embassy indeed. It's just an excuse for a bunch of lay abouts to set up camp in the middle of the city. What possible good are they doing anyone, except giving themselves somewhere have a camping holiday. They have as much right to camp in a public park as any Australian in my view. That is none.

I don't except that they have rights to the land. If you go back far enough, their ancestors were invaders as much as anyone, in the same way that people all over the world now occupy land. The early tribes of 50,000 years ago or more, came to Australia across land bridges during the last ice age from diverse land masses, such as today's Indonesia, New Guinea and around from Africa and India, taking thousands of years. They all fought each other for possession of the land and rescorces. Click here to Reference ....Who was here first? .. Read Stang's View 29.01.12.

Move them out permanantly.They can go to work like anyone else or contribute something productive to this country. Help build a future ... don't live on a past that is built on politically correct myth.

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